30 Days of Souvenirs: Day 1
Over the next month I'll be posting an image every day documenting the souvenirs which inspire my work. These souvenirs are not ones which can be found in gift shops; rather, they are picked up along that wayward path that we all seek to tread at various times in our life. The path of the naturalist, the path of the wanderer, the path of the train rat gypsy, the path of the cowboy scientist, the path of the shattered mirror, the path of the headless saint, the path of the seed sower, the path of the blind farmer, the path of the river buddha, the path of the horse walker, the path of the cloaked mockingbird, the path of the young wiseman, the path of the old miracle, the path of the broken egg, the path of the dirt poet, Perhaps I'll see you on that path.
Read more 30 Days of Souvenirs.